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How can I add my students to my account without using their email addresses?
How can I add my students to my account without using their email addresses?

This article describes how teachers with a +Class View subscription can add students to their accounts without using their email addresses.

Diane avatar
Written by Diane
Updated over 4 years ago

Account members

Teachers with a +Class View subscription can create and manage free accounts for their students to use without needing to use their email addresses. Students whose accounts are created in this way are given a username and so they do not need an email address to sign in and can be added to any of the workbooks you create.

Write & Improve will never ask students with usernames for their email addresses and won't allow them to change or delete their accounts. Their accounts will be managed entirely by the teacher or administrator.

How to create a username account member

The account members tool can be found by clicking on Account members from the side menu, under the heading Class view. This option will only be available if you have an active +Class View subscription. (To find out more about +Class View and how to subscribe, click here.) Click on Account members.

Now you are ready to create a username for each of your students. The username is what each student will use to sign in, instead of giving their email address.

This method can only be used to invite students. It is the perfect solution for when you cannot, or do not want to, use students' email addresses.

Click on ‘Account members’ in the menu. Make sure the drop-down box on the left after ‘My’ is set to student. Now, click on the blue ‘+Add’ button on the right.

This opens:

Go to the bottom and click on ‘Can’t use an email?’ The box will change and
instead of 'Email' it will say 'Username'. Fill in the First name and Last name of your student. In the Username box, a username will be automatically created for your student. This is what the student will use to log into your account, instead of an email address.

Click on the blue 'Create' button. The student will appear in your account members list:

Next, give the student the temporary password (at the top) and the username (beside their name in the list).

When the student signs in to Write & Improve by using this password and username for the first time, they will be told to change the temporary password to a new private password. The student is now a member of your account. Note that unlike those invited using email addresses, they do not receive a confirmation email from us, and do not need to create an account of their own. They are now a member of your account and you are ready to invite them to collaborate or study with you in your workbooks.

Creating a username account member will use one of your available student places. When all places are filled, you will not be able to create new account members until you either:

  • Change your subscription to add additional student places


  • Delete an account member to make a new place available.

How to remove an account member

To delete an account member, open the Account Members page, tick the box next to the account member you want to remove and click on the 'Delete' button at the top.

You will need to confirm that you want to delete that account member.

Deleting an account member will:

  • remove the account from all workbooks it was added to

  • delete all of the essays and essay versions in that student's account 

  • delete the student's details from the account members list

  • make a new student place available

How to sign in as an account member for the first time

An account member can sign in from the home page by clicking on the Sign in button. They do not need to create a profile like other learners. The form will ask for an 'Email or Username'. Here they can enter the Username you created and the Password given on the Account members page to sign in.

The temporary password applies to all Unconfirmed account members and can be changed any time by clicking on the 'refresh' button in the Account Members page. When the password is changed the old password will stop working and students with an Unconfirmed account will not be able to use it to sign in. You will need to give them the new password. Confirmed accounts will work as before, however.

After the student has successfully signed in, they will be asked to create their own private password to sign in next time. 

When a password is successfully saved, the student will have access to the account and the status will show Confirmed on the Account Members page.

How to reset a username account member's password

If the student forgets their password, you can reset it on the Account members page. Click on the reset button next to the details of the account you'd like to reset. The button will only be available after the student has confirmed the account. 

When the password is reset the account will change back to Unconfirmed status.
The student will need to use the temporary password when signing in next time and will be asked to create a new private password again. Encourage your students to remember their passwords.

How to add members to a workbook

You can add account members to any workbook you have created. On the workbook page, you will see the list of current members:

To add a new member, click on 'Manage account members'.

This will open the Select account members window. Here you will see a list of your account members. If you have not created any account members yet, you can do this by clicking on account members and return to add them later.

Select any members you wish to add to the workbook from the list. When they have been successfully added to the workbook, they will be marked with the status Added.  You will also see them added to the Workbook members list.

Like any other workbook member, you will be able to see all their writing, feedback and changes on the +Class view page.

To remove the account member from the workbook, select the account again from the Manage account members link. The Added status will be removed and they will be removed from the workbook members list. You can also remove them using the delete button from the workbook members panel.

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